You could do something like this:

$ip = "";  //example
$url = "$ip";;
$fp = @fopen($url, 'r') or die("Cannot Open");

Then, parse the $fp with fgets, or something to find the string you are

PHP KISGB v2.22 Guestbook

"Michael J. Seely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> HI Folks,
> How can I read a html page as a text file?
> I saw a demo of someone doing this on a Mac using AppleScript.  The
> example sent a zip code as a variable attached to the remote site
> url. This resulted in a web page being sent back with the city and
> state info included.  He then read the page as a text string, parsed
> out the city and state info and used it.
> How could this be done with PHP?
> I think the sending the url and zip code variable could easily be
> done with a <form>.  How do you read the html page that is
> returned?????
> Any ideas. Thanks.
> --
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
>     Michael Seely      408-777-9949

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