ok. im answering my own question here. answer is "this sucks". I wrote some
nasty ruff code just to get the job done. but it invoves alot of sql queries
and alot o recursion.


 function search_string($field, $keyword, $join = 'OR')
  if (!is_array($keyword))
   $keyword = explode(' ', $keyword);

  if (!is_array($field) OR !is_array($keyword))
   return ;

  foreach($field as $f_pos => $f_val)
   foreach($keyword as $k_pos => $k_val)
    if ($k_val)
     $query[] = "$f_val LIKE '%$k_val%'";
   $return[] = implode(" $join ", $query);

  if (isset($return))
   return 'WHERE ( ('. implode(') OR (', $return) .') )';

 function relevent_query($search, $keyword, $first = 1 )
  $keyword = explode(' ', $keyword);
  $tmp_key = $keyword;

  static $query;
  if ( $first )
   $tmp     = implode(' ', $tmp_key);
   $query[strlen($tmp)][$tmp] = search_string($search, $tmp, 'AND');

  if ( count($tmp_key) <= 1 )
   $tmp = array();
   foreach( $query as $pos => $val )
    foreach( $val as $q_pos => $q_val )
     $tmp[] = $q_val;
   return $tmp;

  for( $count = 0; $count <= count($tmp_key); $count++ )
   $tmp_key = $keyword;
   $tmp     = implode(' ', $tmp_key);
   $query[strlen($tmp)][$tmp] = search_string($search, $tmp, 'AND');
   relevent_query($search, implode(' ', $tmp_key), $first + 1);
  $tmp = array();
  foreach( $query as $pos => $val )
   foreach( $val as $q_pos => $q_val )
    $tmp[] = $q_val;
  return $tmp;

 $search[] = 'search_query';
 $search[] = 'search_engine';

 $keyword = 'ab cc ba';

 foreach( relevent_query($search, $keyword) as $pos => $val )
  foreach( $db->select_array('', 'search', $val) as $db_pos => $db_val )
   $id[$db_val['search_id']] = $db_val['search_query'];

 foreach( $db->select_array('', 'search', '') as $pos => $val )
  $search_query[$val['search_id']] = $val['search_query'];
  $search_engine[$val['search_id']] = $val['search_engine'];

 foreach( $id as $pos => $val )
  echo "{$search_engine[$pos]} : {$search_query[$pos]} <br>";

that does these queries

WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%ab%' AND search_query LIKE '%cc%' AND
search_query LIKE '%ba%') OR (search_engine LIKE '%ab%' AND search_engine
LIKE '%cc%' AND search_engine LIKE '%ba%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%cc%' AND search_query LIKE '%ba%') OR
(search_engine LIKE '%cc%' AND search_engine LIKE '%ba%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%ab%' AND search_query LIKE '%ba%') OR
(search_engine LIKE '%ab%' AND search_engine LIKE '%ba%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%ab%' AND search_query LIKE '%cc%') OR
(search_engine LIKE '%ab%' AND search_engine LIKE '%cc%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%ba%') OR (search_engine LIKE '%ba%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%cc%') OR (search_engine LIKE '%cc%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%ab%') OR (search_engine LIKE '%ab%') )

nasty eh? any better idea's. I hope so ..


  Chris Lee

"Chris Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> if I give the user a search and he enters 'cat dog' I am going to want to
> find all the results that have the word 'cat' or 'dog' in them, but I want
> all the results that have 'cat' and 'dog' at the beginning of the results
> because these would be more relevent. now how I see it is this, it aint
> pretty.
> $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
> product_feature like '%dog%'
> foreach( $result as $pos => $val )
>     $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
> $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' or
> product_feature like '%dog%'
> foreach( $result as $pos => $val )
>     $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
> foreach( $name as $pos => $val )
>     echo "$val <br>";
> this will put the 'AND' before the 'OR'. but its not nice, would be nice
> I could do this with one simple query. this is only with two keywords.
> three its gets exponentially nasty.
> 'cat dog mouse'
> $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
> product_feature like '%dog%' and product_feature like '%mouse%'
> foreach( $result as $pos => $val )
>     $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
> $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
> product_feature like '%dog%'
> foreach( $result as $pos => $val )
>     $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
> $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
> product_feature like '%mouse%'
> foreach( $result as $pos => $val )
>     $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
> $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%dog%' and
> product_feature like '%mouse%'
> foreach( $result as $pos => $val )
>     $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
> $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' or
> product_feature like '%dog%' or product_feature like '%mouse%'
> foreach( $result as $pos => $val )
>     $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
> foreach( $name as $pos => $val )
>     echo "$val <br>";
> ouch, this is just nasty, not good. there must be a better way. accually
> writing code to take a dynamic number of keywords is guna be ugly.
> any SQL idea's ? yes I know this is a php forum, but its related.
> --
>   Chris Lee

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