Downgrading to MySQL 4.1 should fix the problem.

Philip R. Thompson wrote:
> Hi all.
> I figured this question was suitable for both the MySQL list and the 
> PHP-General list. Here's what I'm running into.
> I just installed MySQL5 and currently have PHP 4.3.11 installed. I 
> am wanting to connect to the mysql database on localhost, but I 
> get the following results:
> ----------
> <?  $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'password');  ?>
> "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by 
> server; consider upgrading MySQL client"
> ----------
> Well, I have the lastest stable version of MySQL, so I did some more 
> research on what the problem might be. When I checked my 
> information for PHP using phpinfo(), it gave me the "Client API 
> version" for MySQL was 3.23.49. So, I'm thinking my version of PHP 
> cannot connect to my version of MySQL. I then considered if I 
> installed the MySQLi extension for PHP (supports versions of MySQL 
>> 4.1), would that help me? Or, if I just upgraded PHP to version 5, 
> would that help me?
> Does anyone have any suggestions on the direction I should go?
> Thanks in advance,
> ~Philip



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