function getID($variable){
    return $HTTP_GET_VARS[$variable];
"Patrick Teague" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I know I've seen something about this (I can't remember whether yea or
> but I can't remember where I found it as at the time I was looking for
> something else...  and now that I'm looking for it I can't find it again.
> Anyways, what I've done is store variable names that end up being passed
> part of various query strings in some variables similar to -
> $var_id = "id";
> $var_name = "name";
> In the file that receives the information I'd like to know if there's a
> faster way of finding out the value of the passed variables in the query
> string than a function that explodes the query string & returns the value
> the requested variable. i.e. -
> function getID($variable)
> {
>     // explode 'var=x' from query string
>     $id = explode( "&", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] );
>     // search to find correct 'var=x' from query string
>     for( $i=0; $i<count($id); $i++ )
>     {
>         // if $tag is found, extract value & assign to $value[]
>         if( $r = eregi( $variable."=([0-9])*", $id[$i], $regs ) )
>         {
>             $value[] = $regs[1];
>         }
>     }
>     return $value;
> }
> Patrick

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