Tim wrote:
>> Oh and guys, since when is their ONE good way of doing things??? The only
>> thing i regret here is the violence some of these posts take :) Isn't the
>> world full of it already? Can't we tone it down in here where their is
resemblance of peace? ;)

Tim I sympathise with you on this.  There are many people that read these
posts and are shocked that a professional can be so reactive in anger to
others views.  It is a bit shocking to see this in a PHP list.

Jochem's view:
>oh, the world is definitely full of 'it'.

Yes, Jochem this phenomenal world is utterly a mystery.  It is "full" of

>do consider that peace and violence are in essence opposites, you can
hold >to the concept of one without also conceptualizing (and thereby
giving >credence to) the other.

Welcome to the world of opposites where everything either rusts, dies or
eventually falls apart. And Everything in this Universe is controlled by
this truth.

>what your searching for is not to be found in such dualistic crap.

As long as you believe that you are separate from everything else you are in
delusion.  This is the original sin.  Everything else, this phenomenal
world and everything in it comes from this original sin

>peace pipe in one hand, broadsword in the other - lets hack on :-)

notebook and pen in one hand, WYSIWYG HTML editor in the other -

Lets find peace and not be so reactive to things outside of my view.

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