On Fri, 20 Oct 2006 16:04:27 +0900, Dave M G wrote:

> PHP List,
> I took a snippet of code right off the php.net site to use trim on all 
> the elements of an array.
> Theoretically, it should test if the element in an array is in turn 
> another array, and break it down to the next level until it gets to a 
> string it can use trim on.
> This is the code:
> public static function trimArray($array)
> {
> if (is_array($array))
> {
> array_walk($array, "trimArray");
> }
> else
> {
> $array = trim($array);
> }
> return $array;
> }
> The function exists inside a static class called "Utility" where I keep 
> all basic utility functions.
> I don't know if it's the fact that it's in a static class that makes a 
> difference, but I've tried the following variations on the line with 
> array_walk() in it:
> array_walk($array, "Utlity::trimArray")
> array_map("Utility::trimArray", $array)
> array_map("trimArray", $array)
> I've even tried accomplishing it with a foreach(), but no matter what I 
> do, it doesn't work.
> As it walks through the array, it seems to trim a copy of the element in 
> the array, trim that, but leave the original array untouched.
> What am I missing here?

'pass-by-reference', as mentioned on the array_walk() doc page. Functions
have their own variable scope. If those words mean nothing to you:

Bottom line: the values get changed within the function, but when the
function ends, the value changes are 'lost'.


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