Further info:

I'm on Redhat Linux 6.2.  The uname output is "Linux web2 2.2.13-0.13smp #1
SMP Tue Jan 11 13:26:01 EST 2000 i686 unknown."

Also, the problem goes away if I set display_errors in php.ini to Off.   Can
someone explain?  I'm guessing a memory overrun somewhere.

Note that on another machine running Redhat Linux 6.1 with a uname output of
"Linux web3 2.2.16-3smp #1 SMP Mon Jun 19 19:00:35 EDT 2000 i686 unknown",
the problem does NOT occur even if display_errors in php.ini is set to On.

- doug

Doug Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have definitions (i.e. define ("a", "b");) that are being corrupted in
> php-4.0.6 in apache 1.3.20 on Redhat linux from Jan. 11.
> Anyone seen this?  Any solutions?

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