Gk wrote:
> First of all, does php cgi use php.ini at all?
> Is it the exact same behavior as the module version in realtion to
> php.ini settings and the ability to change them with ini_set()?
> My ISP runs php as a cgi, version
> He tells me that I cannot change php.ini variable, upload_max_filesize
> to larger than 2M, although he says I can decrease it.
> This does not make sense to me - if ini_set() can decrease the value,
> why can't it be increased? Is there some secret way the ISP can limit
> php at compile time or some thing?

I think ISP has costomized PHP. It's easy to change PHP to work
this way.

> I have tested ini_set() with phpinfo() and the value I set for
> upload_max_filesize is correctly being reported by phpinfo(), yet I do
> not know if phpinfo() is reporting the truth about php behavior since I
> am unable to upload files greater than 2M.

Then ISP's change made in PHP is wrong/broken, at least PHP is not
modified the way should be.

> The problem I am working on is that the browser reports "connection
> failure" when I try to upload large files; same script works fine with
> small files < 1M.

Hmm. Your ISP seems to have dirty hack for PHP :)
Ask question to your ISP.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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