How do you run this ? Which user ?

if its done via Apache - you can't run useradd with the apache user name.
if you run it from command line make sure you are root.

Nabil wrote:
hi all;

I want to execute
#useradd -d /home/all -g wahtever -s /bin/bash newuser

how can I do it ... I used exec and shell_exec and system
I tried all the following but with no hope

exec('useradd -d /home/all -g wahtever -s /bin/bash newuser') or die ('not
exec('/usr/sbin/useradd -d /home/all -g wahtever -s /bin/bash newuser') or
die ('not done');
shell_exec('useradd -d /home/all -g wahtever -s /bin/bash newuser') or die
('not done');

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