
    You should use a while(!feof) syntax so that can verify that the file is
not empty.
You should also use
$text =  implode("",@file($filename));
    Thats the easiest way to read a file. It will put each lines into an
array and you will just implode it into a variable

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"David McInnis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message de news:
021001c25210$21c38010$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I use fopen() in a template system that I have developed.  I noticed
> that occasionally I get blank pages served up.  Here is one of my
> snippets.
> $filename = "$ROOTDIR/content/myfile.txt";
> $fd = fopen ($filename, "r");
> $PAGE_CONTENT  = fread ($fd, filesize ($filename));
> fclose ($fd);
> Doing this I get the contents of the file read into the $PAGE_CONTENT
> variable.
> I never use fopen() to write to files.  Only read with the "r"
> directive.  So what could be causing my conflicts?  Do I need to flock
> the file to shared?
> I am running Linux PHP, Apache and Linux.
> David McInnis

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