Roko Roic wrote:

> If I use include_once() to include these files in main.php:
> main.php
> ---------
> include_once('lib.php');
> include_once('service.php');
> ---------
> And file service.php also has a line in it:
> service.php
> ----------
> include_once('lib.php');
> ----------
> Will lib.php get included twice or only _once() ?
> I am wondering because get_included_files() acts kind of 'strange' and does
> not display files included from included files. Damn recursion :)

include_once() include files once. Next include_once() looks up
hash and if file is already included, PHP does not include.

> [OT] Is there a way to tail files that get read from a Linux filesystem.
> That could help me find out what gets included and when?

I'm not sure why tail function is useful. Anyway, you can use
get_included_files()/get_requried_files() to know which files are

Yasuo Ohgaki


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