On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 00:44, Angelo Zanetti wrote:

> HI all,
> I have this situation & think that maybe some of you could advise me on
> a solution.
> I have a field in my database which is about a few paragraphs long.
> When the user edits this paragraph using php/html in a textarea it
> displays correctly with the lines that separate the paragraphs. These
> lines are merely blank lines.
> However when I want to display this field in HTML I have a problem that
> its all bunched into 1 paragraph, obviously because there are no <p> or
> <br> tags telling the browser there is a space in between, 1 way to get
> this to work is to to insert <p> or <br> statements in the paragraph but
> when the user then edits the paragraph in the textarea it will show the
> <p> or <br> tags which i dont want, they are end users and will probably
> delete them. Is there a way to get around this?? either displaying the
> blank line or by hiding the HTML tags in the textarea (but still saving
> the paragraph with them in)

Use nl2br() when you display the data; nl2br will add a <BR /> before each

David Robley

"I hope I can still play the guitar," Tom fretted.

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