
1. you must have a frame system with two frames: frame1 called fileslist,
fametwo called: preview
when you build the files list do like this:
while (list(, $filename) = each($filesarray))
  echo "<li><a href="javascript:display('$filename')">$filename</a>";

then declare a javascript function as:
function display(filename)
  window.frames['preview'].location = filename;

should work.


"Alia Mikati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello everybody,
> I hope u can help me with this. I'll be very grateful!
> This file retrieves a list of files from a folder on the server and then
> has to diplay a list of them. When selecting one of them in the list, it
> should display a preview (i.e. its contents) in the same file. I think i
> should use frames but donno how to do it :(.
> Thx a lot
> <?PHP
> $d = dir("/home/mcms/public_html/MCMS/Alia/pageTmp");
> ?>
> <html>
> <head>
> </head>
> <body>
>  <form method="POST" action="showTree.php">
>  <p><b>Plz select a page template:</b></p>
>  <p><select size="1" name="pageList" >
> <?PHP
>  while (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))
>  {
>     if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..')
> echo '<option value="'.$entry.'">'.$entry.'</option>.\n';
>  }
> ?>
>  </select></p>
>  <p><input type="submit" value="Create" name="createButton" >
>     <input type="hidden"
> value="/home/mcms/public_html/MCMS/Alia/pageTmp/" name="pageField" /></p>
> <?PHP
> /*if (!$file = fopen("/home/mcms/public_html/MCMS/Alia/pageTmp/
> $pageList", "rb")){
> echo("couldnt open the file.");
> } else{
> fpassthru($file);
> }*/
> ?>
> </form>
> </body>
> </html>
> <?PHP
> $d->close();
> ?>

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