"Sebastian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> $result = $db->sql("SELECT * FROM $news GROUP BY time DESC LIMIT
> $_GET[page], $pagelimit");
>  while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
> echo "$row[title] <br/> Written by $row[author] <br/> $row[text]";
> }
> I'd like to sort the results by day, example:
> Monday's Articles:
> all rows that are posted on Monday.....
> Tuesday's Articles:
> all rows that are posted on Tuesday ...

If you're sorting in descending order (as your
query seems to intend), shouldn't it be
Wednesday ... Tuesday ... Monday?

$query =
    "SELECT title, author, text, tstamp, DAYNAME(tstamp) AS day "
    ."FROM news "
    ."SORT BY tstamp DESC "
    ."LIMIT {$_GET['page']}, $pagelimit";

$result = $db->sql($query);

$first = true;
$lastday = "";

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    if ($row['day'] != $lastday) {
        $lastday = $row['day'];

        if ($first)
            $first = false;
            echo "</ul>";

        echo date("l M j", $row['tstamp']) . "<br/><ul>";

        ."Written by {$row['author']}<br/>"

if ($first)
    echo "No results returned!<br/>";
    echo "</ul>";

In production, I would rewrite this to
separate the logic from the presentation...
but if you trace through it, this should
give you a good idea of how to proceed.

Hugh Bothwell     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Kingston ON Canada
v3.1 GCS/E/AT d- s+: a- C+++ L++>+++$ P+ E- W+++$ N++ K? w++ M PS+
PE++ Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ !X R+ tv b++++ DI+++ D-(++) G+ e(++) h-- r- y+

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