[PHP] Re: session.use_trans_sid Question

2005-03-16 Thread Jason Barnett
Al wrote: What are the pros and cons of session.use_trans_sid ON and OFF Just moved our site from one which had the php.ini, session.use_trans_sid=OFF to one with it ON Sure looks ugly having the PHPSESSID showing up for visitors. Thanks PRO: - makes life easier when session cookie isn't

[PHP] Re: session.use_trans_sid

2004-11-12 Thread Ben Ramsey
Jon Hill wrote: I have a site that has session.use_trans_sid = 1. It seems that the first time I visit a page when I open up my browser, URLs are getting rewritten even though a cookie IS being set. If I refresh or move on to another page, the problem goes away, i.e. no more session ids appended