Sebastian wrote:
im working on a comment/forum app and when a user enters too many carriage returns i want to remove them before insert to db.

example, user input:


<bunch of extra lines>

more text...

I to change to:


more text...

i try this regexp:

$message = preg_replace('#(\[quote(=(&quot;|"|\'|)([^\]]*)\\3)?\])\s+#i', "\\1\n", $_POST['message']);

doesn't remove / replace anything.
I need for it to work when they use [quote=xx] or [quote] and ends with [/quote]
any help?

$str= preg_replace("%(\r\n|\r|\n)%", "\n", $str);

$str= preg_replace("%\n\n+%", "\n\n", $str);                        //max 2 \n

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