
on 12/28/2008 11:37 AM paragasu said the following:
> do you have any idea how to do this. i have a small vps about 10GB
> space. i live somewhere is south east asia where solutions like Amazon
> S3 is incredibly slow. (500ms ping time).
> i have a simple php gallery. But dedicated server is quite expensive
> ($100/month). searching around, i found several local hosting
> companies provide a very cheap shared hosting. ($100 / year, 300GB).
> local server with 40ms ping time.
> i am interested to use that shared hosting just as storage for images
> of my gallery and a cheap vps to store the database.
> What is the best way for me to accomplish this? Amazon S3 using REST
> etc. Is it possible to write a simple storage (REST system) like
> amazon s3 in PHP? is there anyone wrote this before. I am interested
> in your solutions..

Amazon released a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that expands S3 to
serve files closer to different world regions.



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