Aric Caley wrote:

I want to create a function similar to the MySqli extensions' mysqli_stmt_bind_param() function. I assume that this function takes its arguments passed by reference. Now, I know how to do variable length argument lists in a function with func_get_arg(s) but how do I tell it that they are to be passed by reference?

I'm using PHP5 and I want to stick by the latest recomendations..

There's a much simpler way to do this: just put in the & in the declaration.



// Receives an array $args like you would get with func_get_args()
function test(&$args) {
  $args[0] = 'blah';
  $args[1] = 'I am different';
  $args[2] = 'Do you see me in the original?';

$total = 10;  // Set to any positive number of arguments
for ($i=0; $i < $total; $i++) {
  $args[$i] = $i;

test($args);  // My bad, call_user_func_array passes a copy by default!?
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';


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