This week I've been looking for functions to work with

If you want to create XML files, always use DOMXML
functions (php compile --with-dom).

Here is some code:

  $doc = new_xmldoc ('1.0');

  $root = $doc->add_root('sites');

  $site = $root->new_child('site', '');
    $site->new_child('title', '');
    $site->new_child('url', '');

  $site = $root->new_child('site', '');
    $site->new_child('title', 'Test');

  $fp = @fopen('tst.xml', 'w');

  if (!$fp)
    die('Error open tst.xml');

  fwrite($fp, $doc->dumpmem());


  echo $doc->dumpmem();

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