> Any insight appreciated. In a best case if someone can add in the required
> '&'s to the following code that would be great.
         echo '<pre>' ;
         error_reporting ( E_ALL ) ;

         class Foo {
                 var $bars = array() ;

                 function AddBar($id,$text)
                         $obj = new Bar ( $text ) ;
                         $this->SetBar ( $id , $obj ) ;

                 function SetBar($id,&$bar)
                         $this->bars[$id] = $bar ;

                 function GetBar($id) {
                         return $this->bars[$id];

                 function SetBarMarklarSyntaxA ($id,$value)
                                 This syntax works...
                         $this->bars[$id]->SetMarklar($value) ;

                 function SetBarMarklarSyntaxB ($id,$value)
                         $reference_to_bar = &$this->GetBar($id) ;
                         $reference_to_bar->SetMarklar($value) ;

         class Bar {
                 var $marklar = '' ;

                 function Bar($marklar) {
                         $this->SetMarklar($marklar) ;

                 function SetMarklar($value)
                     $this->marklar = $value ;


         $foo = new Foo ;
         $foo->AddBar('one','un') ;
         $foo->AddBar('two','duex') ;

         print_r($foo) ;

         $foo->SetBarMarklarSyntaxB('one','eins') ;
         $foo->SetBarMarklarSyntaxB('two','zwei') ;

         print_r($foo) ;

         echo '</pre>' ;

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