On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 04:03:34PM -0000, Kif wrote : 
> I have tried $startdir = http://siteiwant.com/; with no joy
> :(

        There is no real, standard think like an index. What you
see with webservers is just a component of the webserver which
makes it easier for you to access sub-dirs and sub-files, if it
is configured to do so. And thats the point, if the remote site
is not configured to list the dir in the particular path you try
to access, no way. And still even if it does, you can't use
opendir; you have to parse the (most times it will be html)
output you get.

        Its easier if the directory you need a listing of is also
mapped 1:1 to ftp on the same site; then just use phps ftp


Markus Fischer,  http://josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at/~mfischer/
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