This was just an error in my explenation I ment categories.

Meanwhile I tryed var vars, but it does not work for any reason?!?!?

My code looks like:

 $field = $categories[0]."[0]";
 echo $field;                            // returns glacier[0]
 echo 'var '.$$field.'<br>';     // returns bluddy nothing
 echo $categories[0];             // returns  glacier
 echo $glacier[0];                // returns 110

Does anybody know how to get the 110 out of the array?????

Thanx for any help,

"Andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi there,
> I have a tricky array question.
> My app is passing via post a array variable called glacier. Now I am
> checking for the content
> of this array. Because there are more of those arrays, I am getting all
> names out of a db.
> How is it possible to get the value and keep the name of the array
> e.g:
> Array name passed by post is:                                 $glacier //
> contains e.g. $glacier[0] = testname
> Array with category names coming out of db is:   $category // contains
> $category[0] = glacier
>  echo $categories[0]; // returns glacier
>  echo $glacier[0];      // returns testname
> I tryed $categories[0][0] but it returns only the first letter of glacier
> (g)
> Any ideas??
> Thanx, Andy

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