Hi PHP list,

I seem to have a knack for really powerful, creative PHP code. With a little effort, I have yet to find any real limitations I cannot overcome with PHP/MySQL/PostgreSQL. Not that there aren't any, just that almost (emphasis on "almost") anything web related, I can do. I'm pretty confident I could develop things as complex as Amazon.com and eBay and perhaps even improve on them. At least that's what I like to think :)

I'm not the kind of person who likes to spend years on a project. I put lots of energy, creativity, and effort in, get an amazing result, then move onto something else. That's my tendency, although I can restrain myself a bit, especially if there is significant profit for me. Creative programming is my thing. I'm pretty good at graphic design (i.e. web page layouts) too...

I keep developing PHP-related ideas I want to pursue. Some of them are fully implemented, others partially, and many not at all. Already I've developed a powerful fuzzy search system that most programmers find very impressive. Others projects go all up and down the spectrum of possibilities.

I'm writing this to ask the collective "advice" of the php mailing list. As it stands, I'm a college student and working part-time on PHP development in Vancouver, Washington, USA. I've had excellent raises, now making over 60% more since September, but I'm probably not going to go much further in this small company. I'm thinking about other options - maybe self employment or going in with a business partner - or perhaps some more clear career paths.

Does anyone have suggestions for me? I'm especially interested in anyone self-employed or working with a business partner - something I'm seriously considering - or in some kind of start up company. What are your thoughts and feelings? Do you like it?

Feel free to reply off-list if you think this topic is off-topic and/or you don't want to blast your information to the whole world.


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