
I'm having some troubles with sessions and PHP 4.1.2 in IIS 5 under 
WinNT. I'm using the standard session functions from php.

$cookie_params = session_get_cookie_params();

The problem is that php sometimes doesn't find it's sessions anymore. I 
can see some file being created in de sessiondata dir, with the correct 
data in  them, but they are not loaded in the next page load. The 
problem might also have to do with cookies, because I see the sessionid 
being added to the link. I checked of course that cookies were enabled.

The strange thing this is that this problem only occurs in the document 
root of my site. The content management system, which runs in a subdir, 
works fine with sessions. When I placed my website in a subdir, it also 
worked fine.As you can see in the code, I set the path in the cookie. 
Might the paths of the main site and the site in the subdir interfear 
with each other (they both use the same code). This all works fine with 

I've come acros a number of problem reports about PHP and IIS, stateing 
that session management doesn't work fine for certain PHP versions. Does 
anyone know what the status of these problems are and which PHP version 
has stable session management on a windows platform.


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