Well, perhaps stepping away from the problem for a few minutes actually helps 
clear the mind. Found that one of my mysql_query() statements wasn't completing 
and everything after that didn't finish. Once I fixed that, all the session 
variables work. Go fig. Let that be a lesson to me :-)

Greg Macek wrote:
> Forgive the long post here, but I'll give as much info up-front and see 
> if anyone can help me out here...
> I've searched the PHP docs for some help, but I am still running into a 
> strange problem. Let me explain: I'm working on an internal site that 
> stores information into a database, but it can be retrieved at a later 
> date. The data initially is entered over many pages ( ~10 forms), so 
> I've used sessions to store that data across those pages so that if they 
> decide to move out of order, their data is still there. Once they're 
> done, they can save the data, etc... we've all heard this story.
> Now, on retrieval, I'm pulling all the information from the database and 
> storing them in session variables, which all happen to be arrays. There 
> is a lot of data to retrieved and put into variables. I have one PHP 
> script perform all this and then re-direct the user to the start page. 
> Unfortunately, the script isn't storing all the session variables, only 
> the first 5 of 7 variable arrays.
> The page looks similar to this:
> <?php
> session_start();
> require "include_file.inc";
> mysql_pconnect(...);
> mysql_select_db(...);
> $result1 = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query(...));
> $sess_var1[formVar1] = $result1->data_field;
> .
> session_register("sess_var1");
> ...// (and so on)
> // and then the re-direct
> Header("Location:next_page.php");
> ?>
> Unfortunately when I place the Header() call at the end of the file, it 
> just sits there and doesn't re-direct. If I place it after 
> session_start(), it will re-direct, but only the first five session 
> variables are registered. Is there something I'm missing here or trying 
> to do too much?
> - Greg

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