Hi everyone!

I'm having a severe session problem. I'm having a file called createjpg.php that creates a jpg-image and returns it as a picture, with the correct header. This file is included on another php-file like this:

<img src="createjpg.php?id=xyz">

What I need the file createjpg.php to do is to check wether or not the user is logged in and if she is so, she should be able to see some other picture or something that will be processed in the file createjpg.php when it executes.

The problem is that since the file createjpg.php is'nt loaded in the browser as and ordinary file, it doesnt recognizes the session variable… I think it's because that the web server loads it or something like that and it does not know that a session variable belongs to the user who loaded the file with the img scr on…

Please, help! How can I overcome this?

Best regards,


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