Hello all

I posted a link to Coding The Web (CodingTheWeb.com) a while ago as they had 
a channel dedicated to Google. It seems that they have updated the site a 
bit in the past few days and now have a news channel for PHP too. It is 
pretty cool:


What is really cool is the fact that you can syndicate their content for 
free. Take a look at the bottom of the page. There are two links to XML 

http://www.codingtheweb.com/projects/newslog/portal/1_2.xml (RDF)
http://www.codingtheweb.com/projects/newslog/portal/1_3.xml (RSS)

You can use this content on your own web site for free!

Parsing out the data from an RDF file is pretty easy. Take a look at this 
tutorial to learn more:


(or see:
http://www.phpclasses.org/browse.html/package/80.html  )

I have already added the RDF file to my personal start page. It makes sure 
that I always know about the latest PHP articles, tutorials, news etc.

To the Webmaster of CodingTheWeb.com if you are reading this: Thanks for 
creating this simple news portal. It works well, loads fast and you offer 
your content as XML. Nice. Well done.


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