On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Dr. Shim wrote:
> I have a variable which is appeneded to the end of a URL, like
> http://www.your_web_site.com/your_page/?your_variable=your_value
> This would return "your_value";
> echo $your_variable;
> But this wouldn't work, and returns an error
> $sql = "SELECT * FROM fldField WHERE IDField = " . $id;

Consider yourself lucky. Taking a variable supplied by a user and dumping
it into a SQL query like that is basically the same as printing your
database password on your front page. If it's a number, take intval() of
it. If it's a string, addslashes() it or make sure that magic_quotes_gpc
is on. And take your user-posted variables from $_REQUEST rather than from
the variables that get created automatically (which you should turn off
unless you REALLY know what you're doing because it's a dangerous


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