Sorry if this is a duplicate post, I'm new to the listserve and I'm not sure my first message made it through....

I've been trying to retro-fit sample code found at : http:// to parse XML coming from a server.

I'm sooo close to getting this working, but I've hit a roadblock and could use some help.

To see the data I'm needing to parse, go here: http:// This is just sample data from the host, as it's behind a firewall.

The problem I'm having is that the XML data that comes back from the host doesn't just have <eventname> </eventname> tags. It has <f n="eventname">datahere</f> tags, and I don't know how to get the XML parser to read the values using that format. (And I don't have control over the host) As a first step, I just want to retrieve the "eventname", "venuename", and "venuecity" data from within the "result" tags at the bottom of the data.

I'm really hoping this is possible with PHP - - - can someone please steer me in the right direction and tell my what I should change in the below script? The $tag value is not getting a value string, due to the XML-data....

Here's my present script:


$insideitem = false;
$tag = "";
$eventname = "";
$venuename = "";
$venuecity = "";

function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) {
        global $insideitem, $tag, $eventname, $venuename, $venuecity;
        if ($insideitem) {
                $tag = $name;
        } elseif ($name == "RESULT") {
            echo "found result";
                $insideitem = true;

function endElement($parser, $name) {
        global $insideitem, $tag, $eventname, $venuename, $venuecity;
        if ($name == "RESULT") {
        echo "result in endElement";
                printf("<dt><b><a href='%s'>%s</a></b></dt>",
                $eventname = "";
                $venuename = "";
                $venuecity = "";
                $insideitem = false;

function characterData($parser, $data) {
        global $insideitem, $tag, $eventname, $venuename, $venuecity;
        if ($insideitem) {

    echo $tag;

        switch ($tag) {
                case "EVENTNAME":
                $eventname .= $data;
                echo "got an event!";
                case "VENUENAME":
                $venuename .= $data;
                case "VENUECITY":
                $venuecity .= $data;
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement");
xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData");
$fp = fopen("","r";)
        or die("Error reading RSS data.");
echo $fp;
while ($data = fread($fp, 4096))
        xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))
                or die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",


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