We've been getting an error message when trying to call the mail()

  FATAL: emalloc(): Unable to allocate -5675919 bytes

Treating that large negative number as an unsigned integer makes that
just over 4 gigabytes, which the server blatantly doesn't have.  But it
doesn't make sense for anything to be requesting that much memory.

The script works fine on Linux/Apache, only behaving like this on
Windows/IIS.  But there are other PHP scripts that send mail
successfully on both servers.  It isn't a server config issue, because
the SMTP and sendmail_from variables are ini_set() in a standard file
which is include-ed from both scripts that will send mail and the one
which won't.

I've been trying to isolate the problem, and can reproduce it completely
in a test script which just sends a constant mail -- no database
lookups, reading input, fancy HTML output, merely trying to send exactly
the same mail each time the script is run.

Then I changed things like the `To' and `Subject' headers and the body
of the mail.  It still doesn't send mail on Windows, but gives a
different message:

  Warning: Server Error in mailo.php on line 40

Now the mail() function does complete, returning false.

Has anybody any suggestion as to what could be causing these problems?

My entire script (42 lines) is below; most of it is merely debugging
print lines so I can see that mail() really is being called with the
parameters that I think it is.

$subject = 'Test Mail';
$headers = 'Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
ini_set('SMTP', '');
ini_set('sendmail_from', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
$msg_body = 'This is the body of the test mail message.

It has a few lines of text in it, but that is about all.


$smtp = ini_get('SMTP');
$sendmail_from = ini_get('sendmail_from');
print "##Preparing to send the mail, using the following parameters.<br>\n";
print "##To: [$to] " . strlen($to) . "&nbsp;characters.<br>\n";
print "##Subject: [$subject] " . strlen($subject) . "&nbsp;characters.<br>\n";
print "##Extra Header: [$headers] " . strlen($headers) . "&nbsp;characters.<br>\n";
print "##SMTP Server: [$smtp] " . strlen($smtp) . "&nbsp;characters.<br>\n";
print "##Sendmail From: [$sendmail_from] " . strlen($sendmail_from) . 
$body_lngth = strlen($msg_body);
print "##Body (" . $body_lngth . "&nbsp;characters):<br>\n<pre><font 
face=\"LucidaTypewriter, Courier\">";
$char_num = 0;
while ($char_num < $body_lngth)
  $col_num = 0;
  $hex = '';
  $ascii = '';
  while ($col_num++ < 0x10 && $char_num < $body_lngth)
    $char = $msg_body[$char_num];
    $hex .= sprintf('%02X ', ord($char));
    $ascii .= preg_match('/[\w .,:]/i', $char) ? $char : '#';
  printf("%-48s   %s\n", $hex, $ascii);
print "</font></pre>";
print "##Just about to send the mail, as the next statement.<br>\n";
$sent = mail($to, $subject, $msg_body, $headers);
print "##The mail command has completed and returned [$sent].<br>\n";

Thanks for help with this.

Simon Myers * GBdirect
tel: +44 1274 772277  fax: +44 1274 772281

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