PHP 4.3.7 on Linux Red Hat 7.3 full patch and updates, Expat expat_1.95.2


I am reading the XML file below and at path:


The CDATA inside the STATUS node cannot be read (Current value 1900), there
isnt much information on how to use the EXPAT library on PHP.Net apart from
the extensive definition of all functions so i'm not sure im using EXPAT the
correct way. Please tell me if im doing something wrong, here is my code and
the XML file is further below:

*          PHP CODE              *

//Load the XML like it was a XML reponse
$xml = implode('', file('xml.xml'));
echo '<PRE>'.str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'),

/*For now all objects are empty shells without data in them, the XML parser
will link everything together nicely
and will add the CDATA for objects if there is some. Later we will add the
standard options to each class
and create functions for output.*/

//Contains an advantage server response, very basic object with only one
thing below
class advantage_node {
   function advantage_response() {}

//Contains an advantage server data representing a route
class route_node {
   function route_node() {}

//Contains an advantage server data representing a parsed input data from
the server
class origin_node {
   function origin_node() {}

//Contains an advantage server data representing a status
class status_node {
   function status_node() {}

//Contains an advantage server data representing a location
class location_node {
   function location_node() {}

//Contains an advantage server data representing a number
class number_node {
   function number_node() {}

//In charge of making the object tree and handling first level objects
function xml_to_class_tag_start($parser, $element, $attributes){
 $element_class = $element.'_node';
 if(class_exists($element_class) &&
  $new_element = new $element_class;
  if(is_array($attributes)){ foreach($attributes as $attribute => $value){
   $new_element->$attribute = $value;
  if($GLOBALS['element_level']-1 >= 0){
   $GLOBALS['element_levels'][$GLOBALS['element_level']-1]->$element =
  $GLOBALS['element_levels'][$GLOBALS['element_level']] = &$new_element;

//In charge of closing the current object and rolling back to the previous
function xml_to_class_tag_end($parser, $element){
 if($GLOBALS['element_level'] > 1){

function xml_to_class_tag_data($parser, $data){
 if(trim($data) != ''){
  $GLOBALS['element_levels'][$GLOBALS['element_level']]->cdata = $data;

//Setup the objects
$element_level = 0;
$element_levels = array(-1 => '');

//Start the XML parsing
$parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 1);
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 0);
xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xml_to_class_tag_start',
xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'xml_to_class_tag_data');
xml_parse($parser, $xml);

echo '<pre>'.print_r($element_levels[0], true).'</pre>';
*************************          RESULT
*************************advantage_node Object
    [ROUTE] => route_node Object
            [STATUS] => 0
            [ORIGIN] => origin_node Object
                    [COUNT] => 1
                    [STATUS] => status_node Object

                    [LOCATION] => location_node Object
                            [NUMBER] => number_node Object




*          XML DATA              *

 <route status="0">
<destpostalcode>h1p 2w8</destpostalcode>
<origpostalcode>h1z 2l2</origpostalcode>
 <origin count="1">
<postalCode>h1z 2l2</postalCode>
 <destination count="1">
<postalCode>h1p 2w8</postalCode>
 <origin count="1">
<postalCode>H1Z 2L2</postalCode>
[useless junk]
 <destination count="1">
<postalCode>H1P 2W8</postalCode>
 <request>[useless junk]</request>
 <request>[useless junk]</request>
 <maneuvers count="6">
Start out going Southwest on BOULEVARD CRÉMAZIE E toward 20E AVE.
<distance units="mi">0.02</distance>
<text>Turn RIGHT onto 20E AVE.</text>
<distance units="mi">0.14</distance>
<text>Turn RIGHT onto RUE JARRY E.</text>
<distance units="mi">1.13</distance>
<text>Turn LEFT onto BOULEVARD LACORDAIRE.</text>
<distance units="mi">0.78</distance>
<text>Turn RIGHT onto RUE BELHERBE.</text>
<distance units="mi">0.43</distance>
<text>Turn LEFT onto RUE VAL MARIE.</text>
<distance units="mi">0.14</distance>
<totalDistance units="mi">2.64</totalDistance>

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