Hi All,

  I have an XML file. I want to display a count of unique record(surname, forename) 
using XSL.  In the below example there are 3 records out of which 1 is duplicate in 
that case I want to display using XSL [Total = 2] 

  This is my xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="U:\karthikeyan\Report_Indi_PreAuthor.xsl"?>
<Recordset ReportName="Report Name" UserName="UserName" InsertedOn="InsertedOn">
    <status>Applicant Active</status>
    <status>Applicant Active</status>
  <status>Confirmed Lead Active</status>

  Can anyone type a sample code of XSL for my requirement.

  Looking forward for yours response.

  Have a great day.

Judge not, that ye be not Judged - Abraham Lincoln's favorite quote

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