
in the Java Xalan XSLT processor there is an URIResolver object to
resolve URIs used in xsl:include, xsl:import, etc.

With this URIResolver you can comfortably implement your own logic to
load external resources.

A small example how it works in Java, so maybe my problem is easier to

    new URIResolver() {
     public Source resolve(String href, String base) {
        // all included files are relative to c:\temp
        return new StreamSource(
          new File ("c:\\temp\\"+href));

and so statements like:
<xsl:include href="include.xsl"/>
will include c:\temp\include.xsl

Now my problem is, that i need this functionality in PHP´s XSLTProcessor.

Generally I think libxslt already supports the same functionality with
the xsltDocLoaderFunc:

anyone have an idea how to handle that problem?

thanks a lot

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