I have a very simple php page which I am creating an accounting tutorial 
from.   I am writing all of the equations on an include file and then calling 
the file at the beginning of the appropriate pages

My problems lie in inconsistant arithmatic operations. For some reason the 
equation for $gm1 does not always act as though $ns1 has a value.  Only about 
30% of the time does $gm1 give the number I expect to see.  The rest of the 
time what I get is a negative (-$cogs1 +1).   As if you had taken 1 and 
subtracted $cogs1.  All help MUCH appreciated.

srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
#### Income statement
$ns1=number_format(rand(900,1200)*1000) ;
$cogs1=number_format(rand(450,600)*1000) ;
$gm1=number_format (($ns1 - $cogs1) * 1000);

Dr. Roy F. Cabaniss
Associate Professor of Business
University of Arkansas Monticello

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