
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think I'd get a lot of
value out of a library which builds user-input forms from scratch, based
on the MySQL table.

If I had a simple table for a CD catalogue:

id (INT 4)
artist_id (INT 4)
description (MEDIUM TEXT)
price (VARCHAR 7)

Then I'd love to be able to build a form for entry of each new CD, based
on the column names and types in the above table:

<FORM action="blah.php" action="post">
<B>artist_id</B>: <INPUT type="text" name="artist_id" value=""
length="4" maxlength="4"><BR>
<B>description</B>: <TEXTAREA name="description" rows="5" cols="40"><BR>
<B>price</B>: <INPUT type="text" name="price" value="" length="7" maxlength="7"><BR>
<INPUT type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">

So, my question is, how do efficiently establish the data type, length
and name of each field.

The rest, I think I can handle :)

Thanks in advance,

Justin French

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