Pag --

...and then Pag said...
% At 16:46 24-08-2002 +0200, Bas Jobsen wrote:
% >use nl2br($content);
%         I assume i should use that function when sending to the page, 

Right; it will convert newlines to linebreaks.

% after retrieving the text from the DB, right? Cant i do something when 

That's generally when one would do it.  I tend to just use <pre> tags
when I need to preserve line breaks rather than converting content,

% getting the text TO the db and then when i need it, i can just retrieve it, 
% ready to be put on the page?

If you don't mind having HTML code in the database, then go ahead and
convert it a la

  $content = nl2br($content) ;

before writing it to the DB and then it will be that way when it comes

%         Thanks.

Sure thing!

%         Pag


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
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