I`m trying to display the picture from the database, but I can`t get it to
work. That`s just a short version of your script.

I try to display the picture like that:

<img src='showpic.php' width='150' height='80'>

and showpic looks like this:

$query = "select file_data,file_type, from pildid where id=1";
$result = @MYSQL_QUERY($query);
$data = @MYSQL_RESULT($result,0, "file_data");
$type = @MYSQL_RESULT($result,0, "file_type");
Header( "Content-type: $type");
$picture = $data;
print $picture;

Any ideas why it might not work as expected? I have written picture to the
db, but ...? I write them like:
        $main           = addslashes(fread(fopen($main_pic, "r"),
        $sql ->

Thanks in advance;
Siim EInfeldt

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