
Playing around with an app and I need to implement some functionality
allowing a user to email some text.

Basically, I want to allow the user to select some text from a dropdown
list. I then want to allow the user to edit the text if needed, and to then
submit the text for email to a given user. In order to perform some basic
QA, I want to have an additional user be notified of the email/text to be
sent, and to then have to authorize the email/text in order for it to be

The QA process is required as this is going to be part of a kind of stripped
down call center process.

I'm asking the list to see if anyone has come across this kind of
functionality in an app that you can point me to. I've been searching the
'net with no luck, and I'd rather not reinvent the wheel on this one..

Pointers/Comments appreciated!


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