Hi there,

I am having problems with passthru, exec, etc. on Red Hat 8 (w/ PHP
4.2.3; Apache 1.3.27). When I use passthru / exec to execute "pwd" or
"ls-al" I have no problems executing & viewing the output. However, when
I try and execute a program using the command line e.g "./lee54 <
GNOM_FILE_g4Dxx4.args" using passthru, the value "127" is returned. What
is this? An error code of some sort? I'm 99.9% sure that the external
program itself isn't returning this.

All the files are chmodded to 777. I don't know if there are there any
configuration directives that I need to set or something..?

If anyone has any idea as to what the problem could be, I'd be glad to
gear it!


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