I currently do this:

    $raw="Nov 28 18:26:35 2002";
    $when=`date -jf '%a %b %e %T %Y' "$raw" '+%s'`;

when I'd much rather do this:

    $raw="Nov 28 18:26:35 2002";
    $when=strptime($raw, '%a %b %e %T %Y');

which is of course a non-existent function in PHP.  I'd like to stop
calling a subshell every time I process a date, but I'd also like to
avoid jumping through hoops with mktime.

Is there a better way?


  Paul Chvostek                                             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Operations / Abuse / Whatever
  it.canada, hosting and development                   http://www.it.ca/

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