I have just been playing around with include and include_once with one of
my classes, basicly there are a lot of functions inside this class so we
have put the contance of the function into its own file (so that different
people can work  on it) and are useing the include function to call it.

        function getCategorys ($id=0) {
                return include($this->functionDirectory
        function listItemsByCategory ($id,$start=0,$dynamic=FALSE) {
                return include($this->functionDirectory

At one point I was useing include_once thinking that it would load the file
once and then keep it in memmory untill the script exited, but this dosen't
seem to be the case. What happens it that you call the function once and it
works fine but if you call it again it returns nothing so I have therefore
had to use include, which will load the file every time and it works.

Anyway to my question: Is there a way to keep code in different files and
have php load the file once and then keep the code in memmory once it has
been called?


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