
Nice call. .htaccess was not being processed at all which led me to a cname configuration error for the sub domain.


On 4/5/2010 8:27 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Mon, 2010-04-05 at 19:40 -0400, ad wrote:
I have several virtual hosts on a dedicated server.
In a IFmodule mod_php5c container in an httpd.conf  include file I have
the following to create a unique include path for each virtual host:

IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_value include_path ".:/home/virtual/site#/path/to/include"
php_admin_flag safe_mode off

  For one of the virtual hosts I've set up a dev site in a subdomain at for development.
  In the root directory of this development site I have an .htacces file
  to create another unique include_path solely for this development subdomain.

  php_value include_path  ".:/home/virtual/site#/path/to/dev/includes"

  Also in the httpd.conf I have
      <Directory /home/virtual/site#/path/to/dev/root/>
          Allow from all
          AllowOverride All
          Order allow,deny

  The configuration is CentOS 5.3, Apache/2.2.3, PHP 5.1.6

  I recently upgraded the OS from FC6 and the PHP version and I have not
  been able to get the include_path to change for this dev.subdomain.
  Even after restarting apache it PHPinfo tells me it is reading the
  server php.ini and the virtual host include path for the httpd.conf but
  it is ignoring the .htaccess file.

  I've even tried putting the php.ini with specific settings in the
  /home/virtual/site#/root directory to no avail.

Any ideas how to make this work or even a better set up?

Thanks in advance.

Are you able to determine if you can set any attributes with the .htaccess file? Is it possible the .htaccess isn't being processed at all?

I'm not sure why the virtual server settings are being ignored in the httpd.conf file though. Have you checked any other .conf files in that directory to see that they are not being set there? As far as I can remember, the .conf files in that directory are executed in alphabetical order, so a different file might be overriding your settings?


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