I have ran into a rather interesting problem while zlib or gzip compression
is enabled on my site. I have an external javascript-php file (a javascript
file that is dynamically generated as in filename.js.php) which is included
in the main template using the <script> element (for example <script
src="filename.js.php"></script>). This file defines variables that are used
to populate a javascript drop-down menu. With compression turned on, from
time-to-time, I get a javascript error basically saying that certain
variables have not been defined. At other times it works perfectly; this
phenomenom appears to be completely random. My theory is, with compression
turned on (via php.ini), the external php file does not get placed into the
output buffer until some point in time after the currently executing script
has been compressed. The reason being, is that the file is not included into
the script using a php "require" construct, but rather via HTML's <script>
element. I have played with this forever, and I have not found a solution.
Has anyone else ran into this problem; any suggetions or comments are
greatly welcomed. Thanks in advance,


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