I want to do the following:

1/ open a file via a web page
        A/ Parse out the function names in a class
        B/ Parse out some strings between two 'template block' like markers
        C/ return the names/strings as pull down menus
2/ run a web application to modify the calling sequence of the functions
        in the class via some input selection by the user.
3/ copy the original version to: 
        <original_file_name.php.old.highest_num_ext_found+1> i.e.

        exists: <file_name.php> AND <file_name.php.old.12> 
        copy:   <file_name.php> AS <file_name.php.old.13>
        modify: <file_name.php>

3/ rewrite the section between the 'template block' like markers in
        <file_name.php> with input from user.

My guesses are that:

1/ The new file created by the webserver will only have permissions
        for the webserver/webserver-group access. **I** won't be able
        to access it.
2/ I have to temporarily change the permissions of the file to modify to
        <all> write so that the web server can access it.

Any one have suggestions on how to do this in the script and retain
permissions on
        the new created file?
Look lovingly upon the present,
for it holds the only things that are forever true.
                                Sincerely, Dennis Gearon (Kegley)

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