I'm running php with freetds 0.52-3 support on a debian linux
server.  This is a winning combination to work with MSSQL2000.  However
I'm running into some odd behavior when performing multiple queries on the
same connection (link) identifier.

I create a connection to the dbms and select a database.  Then I perform
an insert.
[ $CN01 = mssql_connect('host','uname','passwd');
  $RS01 = mssql_query("insert into foo values ('bar1','bar2')", $CN01); ]

I folllow this operation by a select on table 'foo'.
[ $RS02 = mssql_query("select * from foo", $CN01); ]

This second query is never successful.  It appears that the link ($CN01)
is destroyed after the first query (the insert).  When I print $CN01
before the first query, it's value is "Resource id #1" but when I print
$CN01 after that query and before the second query, it is null.

I can successfully perform the second query by opening a new connection to
the dbms and using it for the second query.  ALSO, I can successfully
perform the queries in reverse order, select first then insert, without
using a new connection.  (A bit more experimentation shows I don't have
this problem with mod_perl.)  I've also tried this with the sybase_*()
functions, and I get the same results.

Is there any reason why I must open a new connection to perform a select
after performing an insert on an mssql2K table [using php]?

        ~Chris                           /"\
                                         \ /     September 11, 2001
                                          X      We Are All New Yorkers
                                         / \     rm -rf /bin/laden

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