Hi all (he says with a sheepish grin:),

To all of those who tried to help with this thread, I thank you from the
bottom of my heart....

Unfortunatly , the problem was not one of syntax, but rather one of gross
stupidity on my behalf. The Field where I had been keeping the (encrypted)
passwords was set to 6 spaces, thus chopping off at least 1/2 of the
encrypted password. So when it was looking for "password('a')" (which is
 60671c896665c3fa  BTW), it was only seeing 60671c in the field.....therefor
 What a stupid mistake, delaying me for 1 1/2 days. At least I know I'm not
as crazey as I thought i was going.
I guess the lesson here is to step back once in a while and try looking
'around the edges' of a wall. Its amazing what you may find :).

Once again, thanks to all those kind souls who gave up there own time to try
to help this ol' fool.


> From: "Christopher Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 09:11:05 -0500
> To: "Brad Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [PHP] mysql_query problem (more suggestions)
> not right because this works in a live system:
> $query1 =" SELECT *  FROM zip_base WHERE '$zip1' >= zip && '$zip1' <=
> CONCAT(SUBSTRING(zip, '1', LENGTH(zip)-LENGTH(range)), range)"
> CONCAT, SUBSTRING and LENGTH are all mysql functions and they work fine in
> this query.
> ....
>> the problem is (as i understand it), the password function is a mySQL
>> function and not a PHP function, therefor it works in the context of a
>> mysql_query, but not as a PHP function (which your suggested code calls).
>> Unless i have actually defined a function 'password()',  calling 'echo
>> password('$password') will (...does, i just double checked) causes a Fatal
>> Error 'Undefined Function'.
>> Nice try tho :)

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