Hi :
I tried to Install Apache1.3x/PHP4.0x/Mysql on Linux
6.1 I followed exact steps described in

 Apache/mysql installed and tested successfully, but
when I tried to install php with mysql option it shows
that installation was successful, but when I tried to
start the apache, I had noticed that httpd itself is
deleted from /bin folder. I had repeated all the above
steps from second time onwards when I tried to install
php over apache with mysql option, (to be precise when
I tried to execute the command “make”) it generate 2
errors. And I tried to continue the following steps I
got the message says that php installation successful
still my php files opening on note pad. I have no clue
about this error, it will be help full if any one can
point out where I went wrong. Also I am new to Linux,
should I move to latest version of Linux, any
suggestion about the stable platform/version of
software combination are welcome
   Thanks in advance 

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