Hi all,

I know I'm doing something dumb but I keep missing it. What I am trying to
do is parse through some text and pick up starting at each "<font" and
ending with each </a>.  Starting at "<a href" and ending with "</a>" works
fine. I thought I read the eregi docu thoroughly but maybe not ??

Any help would be appreciated!

//get a line
  $line = fgets($page, 1024);
  //loop to get all news page links
  /* while(eregi("<a.*href=\"(.+)\".*>.*<\/a>", $line, $match)) */
  while(eregi("<font.*<\/a>", $line, $match))
   //print out the news link
   $link = ereg_replace("HREF=\"", "HREF=\"http://that domain . com/",

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