Hi All,

[This is quite a long post, my apologies :(]

I have the CLI version of PHP 4.3.3 running under FreeBSD 5.1-Release. I seem to have encountered some 'strange' behaviour with signals...

I may have missed the plot so far as signals go under PHP, but from within my signal handler routine - I appear to only be able to call '1 level' of user functions, i.e. If I call a user function, which in turn calls another user-function, my signal handler appears never gets returned to.


function my_sig_handler( $signo ){

 if( $signo == SIGTERM ){
   echo( "Term received, cleaning up...\n" );
   echo( "Clean up done.\n" );


Appears to work, but _IF_ "do_cleanup()" in turn calls another routine, e.g.

function do_cleanup(){

 echo( "Cleaning up...\n" );
 write_my_log_entry( "Cleaning up" );
 echo( "Clean up is now complete.\n" );


All I see on the output is:

Term received, cleaning up...
Cleaning up...
[log entry written]


If I comment out the "write_my_log_entry" function in do_cleanup() - I get:

Term received, cleaning up...
Cleaning up...
Done cleaning up
Clean up is now complete.


Which is what I'd expect.

I have thoroughly checked "write_my_log_entry()" - and even if I just change that to a simple "echo" routine [i.e. no actual code] - if it's called from the signal handler, as a function being called by a function - the signal handler never see's the light of day once write_my_log_entry() has finished.

I can kind of work around this, by in-lining the code from the actual functions - but I'd rather not (for obvious reasons).

Anyone else out there done a lot of work with PHP signals who might be able to shed some light on this?

Thanks in advance,


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