Hi, I'm using php 4.2 with NT/IIS and am having a
problem setting cookies on ie 5.5.  I am setting a
series of cookies using the array syntax:

setcookie ("cookie[three]", "cookiethree");
setcookie ("cookie[two]", "cookietwo");
setcookie ("cookie[one]", "cookieone");

I've seen a variety of entries on the web where people
have had problems setting cookies for ie 5.5 and have
suggested solutions such as setting all parameters,
making sure the path has a trailing /, and putting all
values including expiration time in double quotes but
none of these have solved my problem.

The cookies are often set in a subdirectory, eg.
domain.com/sub/, and I have found that on ie 6.0, if I
put the path as "/" then the cookies aren't read.  I
need to add in the domain as well, so I have "/",

I have noticed that if I delete all existing cookies
from ie5.5 and then restart the browser that cookies
are then accepted, but I don't think this is an
acceptable solution for most users.

If anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly

Thanks in advance,

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